TikTok and Cybersecurity with Rep. Scialabba – Talkin’ with Doyle – 3-27-24
Mar. 27, 2024 / Embed
How far should the Government go to protect itself and the people from apps that may have sinister underpinnings? I joined Rep. Doyle Heffley and Huntre Keip to discuss how different generations view social media.
Consumer Protection Bill Passes House
Mar. 18, 2024 / Embed
I am very pleased to share that my data privacy bill passed the House of Representatives. I co-authored this bill in an effort to provide Pennsylvanians with much-needed, common sense and long overdue privacy rights over their personal data. This is a bill that will benefit all Pennsylvanians and I look forward to working with the Senate to get this across the governor’s desk. Here are my comments from the floor!
Rep. Stephenie Scialabba on Generally Assembled
Sep. 29, 2023 / Embed
I sat down on the Generally Assembled Podcast to discuss a troubling trend of activists seeking to keep parents out of the daily lives of their children. From education policy to mental health services, parents are not being informed about the well-being of their kids, and I am pushing back on this issue.
Upholding Parental Rights
Sep. 22, 2023 / Embed
In late 2022, Pennsylvania became the first state in the country to award a statewide $3 million contract to Kooth, a London-based online platform where school-aged children can receive mental health care without parental knowledge, involvement or consent. In response, I plan to introduce legislation to uphold parental rights. Here are my thoughts surrounding Kooth's involvement with our children.
Rep. Scialabba Asks Questions About Urban Search and Rescue Teams
Sep. 11, 2023 / Embed
I recently participated at a joint public hearing of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness committees to discuss legislation that would create an Urban Search and Rescue Team in western Pennsylvania. Given the geography and many bridges and cities, it is an appropriate step in ensuring the safety of western Pennsylvania.
Currently, there is a sole urban search and rescue team based in Philadelphia. This results in a four- to eight-hour delay for mobilizing when minutes matter.
As the Republican secretary of the House committee, I asked about designations, resources and response times.
Rep. Scialabba on Cyber Charter Schools
Jun. 27, 2023 / Embed
During a recent House Education Committee meeting, I spoke in strong opposition against House Bill 1422 – which claims it would reform cyber charter schools. It would actually lead to a $485 million, or 46%, cut to cyber charters – numbers that would result in eventual closures.
We need to think about the children and families who would lose the most from this, not from stakeholders with the most to gain.
Touring Fort Indiantown Gap
May. 24, 2023 / Embed
I recently had the privilege of seeing first-hand the incredible training and power of our National Guard. My sincerest thanks to our troops at Fort Indiantown Gap and the House Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee for organizing this unforgettable and moving experience.
What these men and women do for our state and country is nothing short of remarkable. We owe them our deepest appreciation and respect. Click the video to view the behind-the-scenes of our tour.
After the Feb. 2 House Republican Policy Committee hearing, I spoke about the issues our businesses are facing.
Feb. 28, 2023 / Embed
Rep. Scialabba comments on Program Integrity bill package
Feb. 28, 2023 / Embed
I was proud to join my colleagues to introduce a package of bills aimed at reducing fraud within state government, specifically when it comes to Medicaid. My bill would place penalties on Medicaid providers who make egregious errors, such as performing wrong procedures on patients and passing the bill onto taxpayers.
In our second election for Speaker of the House, I nominated Republican Rep. Carl Metzgar because of his strong character and commitment to telling the truth.
Feb. 04, 2023 / Embed